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Yuuki was walking home by herself one day from school when she
overheard someone talking.
"You know I'm tired of those stuck up Celestials acting like they
know everything, it's really starting to tick me off! I mean for
all we know they could be working for the negaverse!" Tenshi muttered
to Estelle.
'That girl is Tenshi, isn't she the leader of the Inner Celestials?"
She sneaks behind some bushes till she's behind the bench Tenshi
and Estelle are sitting on, but Estelle hears some noise and jumps
down motioned to Tenshi to leave. 'Well it's now or never.' Yuuki
mutters as she quickly gets up.
"Hiya Tenshi! What's up!"
"!" Tenshi sputters out nervously.
"The names Yuuki, you like Sailor Moon right?"
"Well, yeah!" Tenshi replies carefully.
"Good how did the sailor scouts finally come together in the S
"Well when they all knew who each other were they kind a had to
prove themselves to each other and of course they were welcomed
in the group."
Yuuki smiles "Ohh so that's how it happened! Thanks, by the way
what do you think of the Celestials?"
This question catch Tenshi in shock, "Well umm there all really
cool but it seems like the older ones are working against the younger
"Maybe that's because they don't want to get them involved!" Akira
butts in.
"Oh Akira I was waiting for you. So let's go, talk to you later
Tenshi." Yuuki quickly grabs Akira's hand and pulls her down the
'Weird.....' Tenshi remarks watching them.
"What were you doing talking to them anyway?" Akira asks.
"I just wanted to know what they know. Hey you ever think that
maybe we should team up with them, or at least let them know what's
going on?"
"Hell no!" Akira glares at her with a look so full of hatred Yuuki
has to turn her head.
"Well why not...." Yuuki asks softly.
"They don't need to be involved!" She snaps.
"Yeah all right." she sighs.
Platinum Rose burst in the main room of Queen Beryl's palace "Listen
up! Neo Queen Beryl wants the crystal NOW! So who wants to go out
and collect the energy to find it?" No one looks very anxious.
"Welllll? Anyone? Fine then you resorted me to use this, inney-menney-minney-MO!"
she announces as she points her finger at the unlucky creature.
The others breath a sigh of relief as the unfortunate leaves to
complete the new mission.
'>Yawn< why is geometry sooo boring?' Yuuki wonders as she tries
desperately to stay awake. 'Hmmm who's that guy over there? Dark
hair, dark eyes and a gold'
she stares at him as her hand reaches up to touch her right ear.
"First love?" Rowen inquires as him, Akira, Iris, Bruce and her
eat lunch outside. Yuuki nods blushing.
"That's soooo sweet. " Iris replies dreamily.
"Do you have any idea how ridicules you sound?" Akira asks.
"What!?" her face crumbles.
"This whole 'love at first sight' and 'High school sweetheart'
it's just a bunch of shit! It doesn't exist! It's just still around
because of people who enjoy fantasy over the harsh world of reality!"
"Oh is that so, well I'm very sorry to have bored you with my
little fantasy world. Excuse me!" Yuuki replies in a icy monotone
voice as she heads to the gym. They all stare after her.
"You know what this cafeteria foods gotten better." Bruce states
'No one understands me! They don't know what it was like!' Yuuki
thinks as she grabs her archery equipment and walks out to the targets.
Yuuki, who looks like she's about 5 is holding her mom's hand
as they walk up to a new house. "Oh now honey don't be afraid there
our new neighbors, and I hear they have a boy your age too. " Her
mom explains as she rings the door bell.
A small boy with scruffy black and black eyes answers the door.
"Oh yes were your new neighbors I'm Mrs. Tendo and this is my
middle daughter Yuuki. Is your mother at home?"
He nods and let's them in. The two mothers chat over various things
while there children fidget and stare at each other. "Yo, you want
to go play or something?" he asks looking away.
"Um yeah sure." Outside they play a game of shadow tag. "Hey what's
your name?"
"I'm Kage!" He replies as they laughs and play in the sunset.
>TWONK< She misses the middle and hit's the outer ridge. 'He couldn't
have forgotten.....could he?' she wonders as tears stream down cheeks.
She loads another arrow.
There's a big moving van in front of Kage's house. The movers are
loading the last bit of stuff into the van. Yuuki and Kage are about
11 now and stare nervously at each other in the back yard.
"Kage please don't go your my best friend!" Yuuki pleads with
"Your my best friend too, but I gotta go." he says as he plays
with something in his hands. "This is for you, ok?" he quickly shoves
the small package in her hands and looks away. She looks up at him
confused but opens the box. Inside are two 14kt gold studs.
"Grandma told me to give them to my girlfriend so she'd always
remember us." He say's still not facing her. She takes them out
and examines them then she hand one back to him.
"This is your going away gift, now we'll both remember everything!"
He faces her and now she knows why he was looking away before his
face is stained with tears as he takes the earring and smiles. She
smiles back and brakes down in tears and hugs him he hugs her back.
"I'll miss you...."
"I'll miss you too..."
"Don't forget me..."
"I won't." He kisses her softly on the lips.
"Kage were leaving!" his mother yells from the driveway. He breaks
away quickly and runs to the front yard as Yuuki stays stunned.
He turns back and yells "I'll come back someday!" He winks at
her "I promise!"
>TWONK< She hits the blue band on the target "I know he remember
me, he promised."
"So guys what's going on?" Bruce asks as all the other outer celestial
scouts have a meeting at Akira's house.
"We know that Neo-Queen-Beryl is after the Star-Diamond-Crystal
and it's hidden in someone's soul, and NQB has no sure way to find
it yet." Rowen states.
"Umm stupid question time how did Queen Beryl come back to life?
Wasn't she killed by Sailor Moon?" Brain asked looking at everyone.
"Does anyone know the answer?" Iris asks. They all turn there
heads or think solemnly for a minute.
"It was Platinum Rose, she used her power to resurrect NQB." Akira
says in a soft monotone voice. Then she opens her eyes. "What? Didn't
I tell you?" Everyone else just shakes there head.
In a abandoned restaurant someone cooks up a devious plot. "Hehehe,
once we know who the Celestial scouts are for certain we can easily
dispose of them at anytime! One taste of my specialty and all there
energy will be drained from any normal humane, but if one of those
brats eats it they'll lose there powers!" The chef cackles as she
stir's her brew.
"Hey! Tenshi, over here!" Tama calls as her and Niomi stands outside
a restaurant. Tenshi and Nari run over and join them.
"Where were you two heading?" Tama asks.
"To my place, I just got my new Sailor Moon tape and we were going
to watch it." Tenshi replies.
Nari grumbles something and Tenshi kicks him in the shin. Tama
and Niomi giggle.
"Well do you two want to join us? This new restaurant just opened
up, it's got some of the best food I've heard!" Niomi exclaims.
"Sure!" Nari agrees and they all walk over to a booth inside.
"So what do you guy's think about last week?" Tama asks as they
order there drinks.
"It's kinda weird you know, Akira is Sailor Earth and Rowen and
there friends are probably outer celestials too." Tenshi mummers.
"So why do you think they fight us?" Nari inquires taking a long
sip of his soda.
"Well you know the redhead who hangs out with Akira sometimes she
started asking me about the celestials and stuff then Akira butted
in saying that they didn't work together because they don't want
they others involved."
"That's stupid! Were already involved!" Nari yells.
Everyone in the restaurant looks over at him and he slowly sinks
down into his seat. Then the waiter arrives with there food.
"All right let's eat!"
Yuuki leaves late from school still depressed from earlier. 'I'm
such a jerk! Why would he remember me it was a long time ago only
a stupid romantic like me would even remember that. I'm hungry,
well nothing like stuffing yourself while in the depths of depression.'
She thinks as she walks in the restaurant. She looks around inside
and notices not only the inner celestials but Kage. 'Shit! Of all
the fucking luck!' she bitches silently as she sits at a table in
the corner away from everyone else.
"Hey guy's why is it so quiet in here?" Niomi asks as she stuffs
her face. They all look around and notice everyone asleep except
the guy having coffee and the girl in the corner.
"What's going on?!" Tama exclaims.
"We gotta do something!" Tenshi yells.
"But I'm not done eating!" Niomi complains.
"That's all right, take your time and enjoy your meal it'll be
your last!" The chef says as she changes into a monster.
'Great a monster, just great!' Yuuki mutter's "Chiron Planetoid
Power!" She yells but nothing happens. "Shit! What the fuck! She
yells form the corner. The monster turns it's head to look at her
and Kage.
"Don't bother, thanks to my food you've lost your power!" it shrieks
as it attacks Yuuki who dodges.
"Rainbow Ballet!" Sailor Rainbow cries as her attack hit's the
monster and gives the others a chance to run for cover.
The boy in the bluish amore grabs the monster by the neck as Rowen
and Akira rush in the restaurant.
"huff...Christ don't you know how to wait?!" Rowen yells at the
transformed warriors.
"Forget it, now why is Beryl looking for the crystal?" Akira asks
as she pins the monster the boy holding it lets go and backs off.
"I'll never tell! A great chef never revels her secrets!"
"I thought that was magicians?" Niomi asks.
"Oh is that so well I think I can change your mind!" and with that
Akira grabs the monsters neck and starts choking her. "You better
tell me now or I'll crush your fucking windpipe!" she exclaims as
her nails slice in to the monsters skin and greenish blood oozes
out of the cuts. The creature struggle and finally gave up, Akira
eases her grip on it's throat as it quits trashing. "Ready to talk?"
The monster nods desperately, "Yeah sure, she want the crystal
so she can......." She's suddenly cut off as a pink ball of light
engulfs her body, she pulsates, and finally explodes over the warriors.
"Oh gross who did that?!" Rowen asks as he picks off dismembered
body parts.
"I did!" Platinum Rose announces as she appears over the group.
"Hey wasn't Chef Boyardey working for you? Why'd you kill her?"
The boy in the purplish armor questioned.
"She annoyed me." Platinum replied bored.
"She was about to tell us something about Beryl, right?" Rainbow
"Oh that, I can tell you that. You won't be able to stop us anyway,
but you know what? I WON'T!! Well know we know who half of you are,
and will know the rest soon enough so we can dispose of you as we
wish. Well I got to go, there's a world out there that needs concuring,
bye!" She declares as she vanishes in a pink light, leaving the
others stunned.
Kage looks around at the sailors, what's left of the restaurant,
the people passed out on the floor, and what's left of the monster
chef. "Some one PLEASE tell me what's going ON!!" he screams.
Rowen-Kage is a dumbass. ..
Kage-I am not! You are!
Akira-And that's why he gets the top grades in the school?
Rowen-I can defend myself. ..
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