Celestial Stories::Part Twelve - My Teacher's a Youma


Celestial Stories::Part Twelve - My Teacher's a Youma

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Rowen stared out the window, 'A hell of a day to be dead...... 'He looked around the room trying to think of something to do. On a table near his bed was the remote for the tv. He tried to reach it, but the wound on his chest caused him so much pain he had to lay back again. 'What am I supposed to do? Maybe I can take some pain killers and see how long it takes for them to kick in!' He thought sarcastically. Then he actually considered doing that, when he realized the pain killers were on the table right next to the remote. 'Damn, damn, damn.... I can't even read..... '

The door to his room opened, "Hello Rowen! Your savior has come to bring you out of the depths of boredom!" Akira walked in and held two bags over her head like some kind of model.

"A little dramatic, but anything, as long is it's not nothing, is fine with me." Carefully he sat up leaning back a bit on the stack of pillows, "So whad'ya bring me?"

Akira sat down on a pillow near the bed, "Food and movies. Always fun and always a nice cure!"

"Alright!" Akira handed him a salad. "What's this?" He said scrunching up his nose.


"Doesn't look like food. Food comes in bags that say "Chips" or "Nachos". And boxes that say "Pizza" or "Cookies" or some sort of candy."

"You have to heal, you should eat healthy to help you get better."

"I don't wanna eat healthy stuff......."

"Cynthia says you should so you can help out with fighting."


"Yeah, well I say so too." Akira gave him this strange stare.

He immediatly stopped complaining, "I guess since it's what you brought, and it is food, I'll eat it."

She smiled, "Good!"

"SO what movies did you bring?" He asked knowing that only good could come from her answer.

"Oh you know, American stuff and some Anime." So for the rest of that day they sat around in the room eating, watching movies, making comments about certain scenes, and talking every once and a while. Later that evening Ms. Shen came home and checked on Rowen. She found both Rowen and Akira asleep. Rowen's head in Akira's lap and Akira resting on his arm. Ms. Shen smiled and looked up beyond the roof of their house, up to the heavens as if sending a message to some unknown spirits.

A few weeks later in Math class Akira was the one who was bored. 'Boring, boring, boring, boring...... ' Akira tapped her pencil quietly on the wood surface of her desk. She looked out the window, her eyelids lowered giving her a tired look. She sighed and flipped the pages in her textbook, 'If they really want to keep us stimulated they should teach fighting..... ' She let a tired, small, smile creep along her face. Then quickly went back to her serious expression as their teacher, Mr. Sakurai, turned away from the board. He explained a few things, then turned back around and started to write again. Akira's eyes drifted to Rowen, who was sitting next to her. He was paying every bit of attention he had to the lesson.

Akira's eyes widened, 'Just watching someone put so much effort in this is tiring! How the hell does he do it?' Akira dramatically put her head down on her desk and let her hands fall over the side facing the teacher. Unfortunatly, she was too dramatic.

"Miss. Kaia? Do you find my class uninteresting?" The whole class was staring at her.

'Yes, I do fuckhead... ' Akira sat up straight, "No, that's not it at all! My pencil rolled off the desk and I was just trying to catch it, and I did." She produced the pencil in her left hand.

"Please, next time just let the pencil fall and pick it up off the floor."

"Yes, sir." 'Mr. Asshole sir...... ' Mr. Sakurai eyed her for a moment then turned back to the board. A few of the students gave Akira scowls, and looks like that. Akira returned them with a nonchalant stare until they got tired, or annoyed, and payed attention to the lesson. 'Well, at least I had something to do.... Probably gonna get detention again or have to clean up the classroom..... ' She sighed. The bell rang. Students pilled out of the classroom, trying to get out as quickly as possible to get things needed for other classes and get a chance to talk to a friend in the hall.

Someone hit her shoulder, "Good class disturbance, Akira."

"Gee, thanks." Akira said with a dull sarcastic tone.

Rowen frowned, "Interesting excuse. Gotta get those pencils before they drop right?"


"Miss. Kaia? I want to speak to you afterschool." Mr. Sakurai frowned seriously at her from the other side of his desk.

"Yes, sir." She bowed and walked out.

"'Yes sir!' Never did I think I'd get the chance to see you so meek."

"If you go on like that, nobody else will get the chance to hear about it."

"Yes, ma'am!" He saluted her, mocking and ran off to his locker.

'My friends........ ' Later that afternoon Akira stood waiting in the Math room.

"Miss. Kaia, do you know why you're here?" Mr. Sakurai sat in his chair and stared up at her.

"Because I caused a disturbance in class." She folded her arms. He stood up and grabbed her by her hair. "ASSHOLE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"The same thing you did to my brother."

"Y-your brother?"

"Oh, you forget the youma's you fight so easily....."

He lowered his eyes. His skin began to pop out where no bones were. He pulled Akira by the hair and sent her spinning into some of the desks, which only moved a bit, not tipped over. She rubbed her elbow and looked up. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. His skin ripped off his body, small pieces of tissue and droplets of blood flew around. Akira shielded her face with her arm, blood stained her uniform. After it stopped she looked up, the skin was lying on the floor, A larger monster stood in front of her, it's shoulders hunched up and forward. Claws longer than swords replaced fingers. It's eyes were red and lifeless.

"Well, I can see that looks didn't run in the family.." Akira sighed, and then quietly muttered," And hopefully brains didn't either..."

"You're quite the comedian for a person in your situation." The monster spoke, it had a throaty voice.

"Yeah, we'll I didn't get this far to up and die because of some pissed off youma....."

"Oh don't worry you won't just 'up and die' I'll make sure of that...."

It retracted one of it's claws making it twice the original length. The claw went back and sped toward her. It stabbed her shoulder, she stared at the claw, and her shirt which was gradually turning red. Behind her the carpet and the desk were getting a bit soaked and stained.

Akira slammed her fist on the desk,"HE STABBED ME YOU FUCKING MORON! I'VE GOT THE WOUND TO PROVE IT!"

"He said that he stabbed you to keep you from attacking him."


"Why didn't you come to me first?" The principal lets his glasses slid down his nose and looked at the medical report.


"I'm sorry you think like that, Miss. Kaia...., considering certain things though, that are hard to understand, you will not be expelled. You will be transferred."


"You have shown an extreme amount of violence in this school, and when I looked at your other records, you have done this in other schools. It seems to be targeted toward the male students."


"So," He ignored her," we have decided to transfer you to and all girls school. T*A* Academy to be exact."

'T*A*? That's where Mars goes.... Cynthia must've done something, they would've expelled my ass and tossed me in some correctional facility if she didn't...' Akira thought as she walked home, 'That stupid bastard doesn't know what he's doing....' The following Monday Akira appeared in front of T*A* Academy in her new uniform. She examined the skirt a bit, 'Grey, how... appropriate....' Again she looked up at the building, 'They took no time to transfer me. Hmm I guess I wasn't exactly their favorite student.' She chuckled to herself. Already she noticed some of the girls wispering about her. 'Great, how come everyone has to know my buisness? I'll never get any new friends.........' She looked around. A girl with long black hair and brown eyes was comming in with another girl, older, with long silver hair. 'Mars...' Akira sighed. Akira slumped in her seat,' Man, I don't get this... I'm gonna fail for sure... Maybe I should get a tutor....'

"Miss. Kaia? Would it trouble you too much to sit up in you seat and actually look like your paying attention." Akira grumbled a responce and sat up. Some students giggled quietly. 'This is gonna be tough..... Before I had at least one friend, and all these girls don't seem to be 'HALF-BREEDS' I'll never be able to make friends....'

Akira-::sining Pink Floyd's "Another Vrick in the Wall":: "Teachers leave them kids alone!"

Akira picked out an empty table and sat at the end.

"Excuse me." A whiny and annoying voice spoke.

"Yuh?" Akira looked up dully. A girl with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes was staring coldly at her. Behind the girl were some others who had the same coloring.

"Um, this is our table."

"Well, you can sit on the other end, I won't bother you."

"Well, we could, but we'd rather not sit at a table with a HALF-BREED." The girl said it so loud everyone in the cafeteria turn to look.

"'Half-breed'? So you're a racist?" She felt a hard jerk in the back of her head.

"OW IDIOT THAT'S MY HAIR!" Akira shouted as she felt her head being pulled back.

"I'll make your life a living hell 'half-breed'...."

"Sorry, I'd rather not start a relationship..."

For a moment she paused, "Uhhg you bitch!" In a moment Akira was standing, but in the moment to follow she was down. The wind had been knocked out of her.

'These girls here are stronger than the ones at Juuban....'

"Hellova first day huh?" Rowen said as he met up with Akira on the street.

"Yuh..... I almost got detention..."

"A detention on the first day..... can't say I'd ever had that...."

"Shut up."

"Ohh look it's Tenshi, transform into Miss. Perfectly-full-of-herself."

"Bite me."

"Snappy comeback." They stopped and Tenshi came closer. She hadn't noticed them because she was talking to Nari.

"Hello, Tenshi."

'Oh man, it's Akira.....' "Hello, Akira...." Tenshi grumbled.

Akira smiled widely, "So that inccident in the park...."


"Thank you. Although I'm a bit surprised that you didn't catch on sooner....."

Tenshi lowered her eyes, "Well, some of us aren't perfect like you....."

"Now, why does everyone say that to me?"

"Gee I dunno maybe because you always front your great abilities?" 'What's getting into me? I'm gonna get my head ripped off.....'

"Well, either you're very stupid or very brave.... I'm not betting on the latter."

Tenshi frowned. Suddenly she thought of every time Akira tried to put her down, to intimidate her. She thought about that and anger burned inside her. Before she could think anything else her hand was in the air. Tenshi shut her eyes and she heard the slapping sound as her hand hit the side of Akira's face. Her eyes opened. She saw Akira who had stepped back from the impact. She saw Nari just staring at her his eyes wide in surprise. Rowen had the same expression as Nari. She could bet that they were thinking the same as her, 'I'm in for it' and 'What's Akira gonna do?'.

Akira walked up to Tenshi and stared down. A strage smiled spread across her face, "I misjudged you, but you shouldn't have waited. I would've done that the first day. But hey, that's me."

Tenshi frowned,' She always manages to do that.' Akira and Rowen pushed passed Tenshi and Nari. Then as Tenshi was about to start walking again Akira called her from behind.

"Hey, Tenshi!" Tenshi turned, Akira was stading about to turn the corner. "Nice arm kid!" With that she turned the corner and was gone.

"Uh, Nari.....?"


"Did she just compliment me?"

"I think so...."

"Does Akira compliment people?"

"I guess so."

Akira removed the ice pack from her cheek and rubbed the side of her face, "Cold...." she spoke quietly and inspected the purplish mark that was slowly forming. She sighed, "Maybe if I wasn't such a bitch to everyone I wouldn't get hit so much......" She looked in the mirror at Rowen's reflection, he hadn't turned around. Akira pulled on her sleeve inspecting a tear. Then she lifted her bangs, the few cuts on her forhead had dried. She left the ice pack drop, she put her hand aginst the mirror staring at her solemn appearance. Akira leaned her forhead against the mirror and sniffled. Rowen was intently watching t.v., flipping through the channels in a trance. He stopped as soon as he heard the stifled sobs obviously not coming from the television.

Rowen turned around, "Akira?"

"I CAN'T STAND HER!" Tenshi shouted.

"Who?" Estelle slowly opened her eyes.

"AKIRA!" She slammed her bookbag on her bed.

"Oh yes I saw what you did today to her."

Tenshi stopped, "You did?"

"I think you're getting stronger, stand up to that girl, Tenshi."

Tenshi beamed, then became serious, "Do you think I'll have to kill her? If she is my enemy?"

"I don't think she is, I get this strange feeling around her. It as if she wasn't, but she is...... I don't think she's so sure either, anymore........" Estelle looked out the window.

'Maybe she never was.....'

"Tenshi! Could you come down here a moment?" Mrs. Hoshino called.

"Yuh sure mom!" Tenshi walked downstairs. "What is it?"

"Phone call." She handed her the phone and walked out of the room.


The voice on the other line was soft, female, "Mr. Sakurai.-" the voice paused- "Sorry, Tenshi." Then Tenshi heard a dial tone.

"Who's Mr. Sakurai?" Tenshi asked Estelle when she got upstairs.

"He's the Highschool math teacher." Then Estelle paused, "He's the one who got Akira kicked out of the school."

"What?!" Tenshi recalled something she had been told, 'She was kicked out of school for attacking a teacher as far as everyone says.' Nari told her.

"Is it possible....?"

"Hmm is what possible?"

"Nothing......." Tenshi shook her head.

Later that eveing Tenshi was lounging on the couch flipping through the channels. "Uhggg....." She scrunched her nose up in disgust, "Only news is on..." She dropped the remote carelessly on the floor. Something the news reported said on the tv caught her attention. She turned and fell off the couch. "Ouch." Under the couch was the remote, she grabbed it and turned up the volume.

"-there are still no leads in these murders. The only clues the police have is that the students went to the same school and were found in the same alley, killed the same way." The reporter walked over to a policeman and started an inteview.

"We don't know exactly, but it could be connected to the youma attacks that have been suddenly happening again."

"Youma attacks?" The reporter said showing obvious signs of shock.

"Youma attacks?" Tenshi repeated.

"Yes, at the Highschool."

"What Highschool?"

"Juuban Highschool."

"What?!" Tenshi thought of the phone call she got earlier, 'Mr. Sakurai.' 'He's the Highschool Math teacher.' "Oh my God..." Tenshi ran up to her room.

Someone in the alley next to school sobbed, "Please....." A sickening sound of something penitrating skin and a short cry of pain followed.

"Stop! For the connections of stars, the carrier of the stars' protection and the Senshi of music... Sailor Constellation! I am Sailor Constellation and I will punish you for all you evil!"

The monster, the same one that had attacked Akira days earlier looked up. "Now you wouldn't hurt a human would you?" He turned back into his human form.


"Actually, Sailor Constellation-" a voice from above them spoke, "I beg to differ."

'Akira?? But what is she doing in her Sailor Earth fuku?'

"He is still human so I suggest that you leave, unless you want to kill someone. Anyway you should go home you need some time to work on your speech, it's getting pretty old."


"You should really get caller I.D." Sailor Earth jumped down from the roof of the building.

"Two Sailor Senshi, two more to kill." Mr. Sakurai's skin fell off his body and once again the disgusting monster formed.

"Gotta find out how he does that....."

"You could improve your looks......."

Sailor Earth smiled at Constellation, "A little bit overused, but you're working at it."

"Gee you think so?" Sailor Constellation faked pride. Then she turned to the monster, "CELESTIAL MUSICAL STRIKE!" The Musical strike headed straight for the monster and was absorbed like water.

"I think I'm gonna throw up....." Earth grumbled, "EARTH STAR MAGIC!" Her powers also went straight for the monster and were absorbed again.

"Uh-huh......... Now, you see that was supposed to work...... DAMNIT KILL HIM OR AT LEAST BLOW UP HIS ARM OR SOMETHING!!!!"

"So, Akira how's YOUR arm?"

"Oh it wasn't much of a wound...... So it's ok thank you for asking."

"Now really killing you was my objective, but killing off a few others especially this little one"-he motioned to Constellation-" are a plus."

"Don't count you chickens before they hatch dude!" He pulled his arm back and snapped his wrist forward. Immediatly after that motion Sailor Earth pushed Constellation out of the way.

"Ouch...." Constellation grumbled, and rubbed her head, she had hit it against a garbage bag. She sat up, Earth's arm fell weakly off her shoulder. Constellation turned and saw that Sailor Earth was lying there, she hadn't moved yet. A dark liquid trailed down her back staining the white of her fuku. "Sailor Earth?" She wispered shaking the older Senshi.

"I'm fine I'm fine." Sailor Earth grumbled her voice was muffled because she hadn't raised her head from off the ground yet.

"One down one to go......." Again the monster snapped his wrist forward. Sailor Earth hearing the sound, lifted her head up then fell over Constellation.

Constellation heard a strange sound and a tiny grunting sound from Sailor Earth. Then a ping of the claws hitting the wall behid her. She felt the weight of Sailor Earth being lifted off of her. Then she herself was being lifted up. She looked over at Sailor Earth, who pulled something out of her side, wincing.

She wiped blood off her mouth staning her gloves. The wispered to Constellation, "We have to do this in the Sailormoon way. Attack together..... I think it will work...."

"'You think'?"

"You got any better ideas?!" Sailor Earth snapped at her.







The attacks merged and went flying at the monster. The hit him in a flash of bright light. The light was so bright the two Senshi had to sheild their eyes. Dust clouds formed as a bit of a wind swirled around. The dust dissapeared. The attack had brought the monster to his knees, he had a hole in his shoulder the size of a basketball.

"It worked, sort of....." 'I know Cynthia told me not use this attack, but I've gotta kill this guy..... anyway what can an attack do?' Her eyes lost all emotion and her tiara dissapeared, a black moon symbol replaced it on her forhead. She called upon the black light as it appeared again she seperated her hands to it's growth. Her eyes still held no emotion, dull and dark was how they stayed. She wispered the same attack, "Taste your death........"

The dark energy left her hands a flew full-force at the monster. His screams were muffled out by the cry of the energy as it engulfed him. When the energy faded, her eye's dullness faded and so did the sign on her forhead, the tiara returned. Where the montser stood there was a man. He looked at if he had been ripped apart. 'I killed- I killed a man.......' Sailor Earth thought. She turned back into Akira and shivered.

"Sailor Ea- um Akira, why did you save me?" Akira looked over to Sailor Constellation for a moment, then walked out of the alley. 'Why did I save her..?' "Ah...." she groaned, "My back." 'Luckily the hospital isn't too far off. Cynthia is gonna raise hell when she hears what I did....... What did I do.......? He WAS human, and I knew it.....'

"Was he really human Estelle?" Tenshi asked Estelle later.

"I believe he was......" Estelle's voice was low and morbid.

"Then that means- Sailor Earth killed a person....."


"And she called me......... she was the one who called me...... and she saved me...... why did she do that?"

"I don't think even she knows that right now......."

"How could she not?"

'I don't.....' Sailor Earth thought sitting out on a branch of the tree outside of Tenshi's window. Her figure faded, 'I just don't......'

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