Italian Theme Song - Second Season


Italian Theme Song - Second Season

Italian Song for Sailor Moon - 2nd serie
Lyrics by Alessandra Valeri Manera

Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Luna e stelle
fan le notti piu' belle
risplendendo lassu'
notti chiare
per sognare
Luna piena
notte dolce e serena
per chi dorme quaggiu'
Sailor Moon dalla luna
tu ci veglierai e
combatterai per la liberta'
Sailor Moon
chi ci difende
sei ancora tu
Sailor Moon
la luna splende
al tuo cuore si arriva con la verita'
bianca come la luna nell'oscurita'
paladina di pace per l'umanita'
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
chi ci difende
sei ancora tu
Sailor Moon
la luna splende

Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Moon and stars
make the night more beautiful
by shining there up
clear nights
to dream
Full moon
sweet and clear night
for who sleep here down
Sailor Moon from the moon
you'll watch us and
you'll fight for the freedom
Sailor Moon
who defends us
it's you again
Sailor Moon
the moon shines
your heart is reachable with the truth
white as the moon in the darkness
champion (intended as warrior) of peace for the humanity
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
who defends us
it's you again
Sailor Moon
the moon shines