1. Endymion is the name of...?
2. Usagi's father works for...?
3. Who did Neo Queen Serenity call the "Senshi of
4. From what planet is Kakyuu?
5. In the manga, Setsuna goes to what school?
6. Who originally gives the cosmic compact and moon
spiral heart rod to sailormoon?
7. What is the name of Nephrite's attack?
8. In the manga, Dimando gets both ginzuishous(future
and present), but is prevented from destroying the world by...?
9. Mistress nine originally takes who's heart crystal?
10. What does chibimoon use to tranform to super
in the Dream season manga?
Got all of 'em right? Alright Pure
Genious, continue to Sailor
Pluto's Quiz