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So far, so good, but where is my daughter? She hasprobably
run off with Endymion again. I'll send one of the senshi to find
her. Oh wait-there she is, and she is with-Good, Endymion made it.
They look strange, who is behind-ah, Sailor Sun. Wait a minute,
the senshi came in their princess form, why did she transform?
I made eye contact with Sailor Sun and beckoned her to come over.
"Your majesty, I apologize if I have caused any disruption, it
was not my inte-" I shook my head, the girl always apologized
when it wasn't necessary.
"No, that is not it. I noticed you came back in Senshi form, what
is wrong?" She looked startled, I guess she had meant to de-transform,
"The Prince and Princess were attacked."
"Attacked? What happened to them?"
"Nothing, I beat their attacker to them and he disappeared."
Good girl, Hoshi. You are definitely ready to receive your crystal
and take leadership over the rest of Selenity's court.
"Did you recognize his face?" Hopefully he had left for good.
"Yes, it was General Zoisite."
"From Prince Endymion's court?" One of the four who disappeared.
"The same." This was bad, that meant that all four generals
WERE with the enemy, and Zoisite was not the strongest.
"Thank you, and good work." She smiled and nodded her head in acknowledgement,
then turned and disappeared back into the crowd. I pulled the ginzuishou
from my dress. Tonight I will need your power, ancestors. The
enemy is coming, we must be strong for dear Selenity.
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