If you took any images, animated GIFs, movies, or
other files from any shrine, (or if you are simply a nice person)
please put a link to my site on your page.
I realize that this has become an ordeal for some
of you, so let me simplify your lives: I do not need you to put
a link to my site next to every image, animation or sound file you
take from this site, but please do put my page on your credit or
link page.Although the majority of these files are not originally
mine, quite a few are and the others took a long time to find and
organize (seven years and counting, people) so please take the time
to credit my site. Thank you.
If you do post a link back to my site, feel free to
send me your URL and I'll link your site.
Here are banners you may use to link my site. I'm
sorry but you cannot directly link to these banners. I wouldn't
mind at all, but fortunecity will replace any remotelylinked file
on their server by their logo. Sorry. Please just upload it to your
own server; the files are really small.
Text links are also always welcomed ^_~
